Marsh Lane Allotments

Marsh Lane
Site Map

The Marsh Lane site is covered by a lease between Hungerford Town Council and the land owner.

Over 100 plots ranging from 1-4 poles with a charge of £12 per ~25m2 (1 pole) per year (Feb - Jan). This charge is payable annually in advance to HAHA.

The site has received Lottery Funding and now has a compost toilet

20 names on Waiting List

Fairfields Allotments

Site Map

The Fairfields site was opened in November 2009. It is covered by an annual lease between Hungerford Town Council and Sovereign Housing

The site consists of twenty-three small plots. The charge is £12 per year (Feb - Jan) for each plot.

This charge is payable annually in advance to HAHA.

8 names on Waiting List

Membership to Hungerford Allotment Holders Association (HAHA) is offered to plotholders on both Hungerford Town Council allotment sites - Fairfields or Marsh Lane.

Want to join our amazing growing community?

Please email HAHA to be added to the waiting list for either or both sites.

The association acts as manager of the allotment sites on behalf of the Council and HAHA should be contacted in the event of any problems or queries regarding either site.

To be added to the waiting list for a plot on either site, please email the , giving your contact details and requirement - sorry, over 18s only and Hungerford residents are prioritised.

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HAHA Documents
(including minutes, constitution, finances, agreements, etc.)
Seed Secretary Details
HAHA Useful Links page
