"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> Our Allotment - Friend or Foe


2010, 2009 1, 2
Gallery 2009 Friend or Foe Links

We've had lots of visitors to our allotment, some more welcome than others! I have managed to snap a few of them and this is where I'll put the photos that turn out well. Our plot is at the end of the centre aisle and is backed by a hedge between the allotments and the canal towpath.

Each year we seem to be defending against different things - other than the weather!

Rabbit/deer fencing was installed at the beginning of 2010 so that's a couple of threats removed, but there are plenty of other visitors which are less easy to deal with!

Thanks to Robin Longstaff (Oxford Garden Project) and Shaun Dowson for giving me information and helping to identify beasties. Any more information is always welcome - the links page includes some brilliant sites on insects and other wildlife.

Beetles (and bugs)

7-spot ladybird Harlequin Ladybird Harlequin Ladybird
There are masses of ladybirds all over the plot. Mostly 7-spot, but also lots of different versions of harlequin ladybird which is apparently taking over the traditional UK ladybird, but some are very pretty and they all clear aphids so aren't all bad!
Harlequin Ladybird Harlequin Ladybird Harlequin Ladybird
Chafer Larvae Another (or younger) chafer larvae
These are chafer larvae - not too sure whether they'd all grow into the same bug...
Garden Chafer
This is a garden chafer Another larvae  
Some sort of Tortoise Beetle Pied Shieldbug nymph Soldier beetle
This is a type of tortoise beetle, but there are loads of different ones This excellent little beetle nymph will eventually grow into a Pied Shieldbug This chap with a loveheart is a Cantharis Rustica - a type of soldier beetle
Sloe Bug - a shield beetle
  This is another shieldbug, specifically a Sloe Bug - but he's sitting on our environmesh here These pollinator beetles swamped our squash flowers

Caterpillars, Butterflies and moths

Knot Grass Moth caterpillar Caterpillar of Cinnabar Moth White Ermin Moth caterpillar
This Knot Grass Moth caterpillar had great camouflage in our marigolds This is a caterpillar of the cinnabar moth. They tend to feed on ragwort and not our veg
This seems to be the caterpillar of the White Ermine moth - he was crawling all round the plot.
Large White Butterfly eggs Small White Buttefly caterpillar Small White or Green veined butterfly
This is the eggs of the large white butterfly (small whites lay individual eggs) A caterpillar of the small white - sitting on a sprout leaf! This is either a small white or a green-veined white
Large White Caterpillars Small Tortoiseshell Callimorpha dominula
The large white butterfly caterpillars dessimated the leaves on our sprouts The small tortoiseshell tends to lay it's eggs on nettles so we have lots of these on site but they're not a problem This is the Scarlet Tiger, which has lovely red wings under the top layer

Bees and Wasps (and a hoverfly)

A Bumblebee Bumblebee A honeybee making a hole through the back of the nectary of the flower
I can't tell the difference between the different bees, but I'm sure these are bumblebees! This is a honeybee making a hole through the back of the nectary of the flower, getting to the nectar, but bypassing the pollen and not pollinating the flower
Another bumblebee A Black & White bee A wasp trying to get through environmesh
Another bee, but multi-layered marigolds aren't good for pollen gathering A little black and white bee Here'is a wasp getting to the coriander flowers through the carrot netting.
  A helpful hoverfly  
  A hoverfly, which is a really useful pollinator  


Pheasants were a big problem before the fencing but we haven't seen so many since that was erected Pigeons are pretty much public enemy number 1! Brassicas and peas don't stand a chance with no additional netting Aah, little Robby :-) There are lots of robins living in the hedges and are happy to hop between our feet to pick out worms
We were feeding worms to this blackbird chick Aw, this was a sad little greenfinch. He wasn't very well and mostly just sat in our borage  

Other Wildlife...

A leatherjacket (crane fly larvae) Speckled Bush Cricket Cabbage white flies making a mess of our brassicas
A leatherjacket - larva of the crane fly This freaky thing is a Speckled Bush Cricket These are the cabbage white flies making a mess of our brassicas :-(
Grasshopper centipede Baby centipedes
I think this is a common field grasshopper. He was quite happy sitting on Jamie's leg for a while. This long centipede - Geophilus carpophagus - can eat baby earthworms :-( Baby certipedes growing up on our broad beans - the eggs must have been laid in there
    Quite a small millipede

Email Belinda & Jamie